What Is Dhyana and How to Practice It

Woman meditating in front of laptop

What is Dhyana?

Dhyana, the second-to-last element of the 8 Limbs of Yoga in the Yoga Sutras of Patanjali, means meditation — very, very deep meditation. It’s a state of mind where you’re wholly focused on one point, like a yogic version of the flow state or being “in the zone.”

“In dhyana, psychological and chronological time come to a standstill as the mind observes its own behavior,” explains iconic yogi BKS Iyengar in his 1966 commentary on the Yoga Sutras. “Maintaining the same intensity of awareness, the attentive awareness moves from one-pointed concentration to no-pointed attentiveness.”

Just before Dhyana comes Dharana, when you make a deep commitment to your practice and hone your mind to find focus. Dhyana is more about steadying your entire body and mind into sustained observation.

This unbroken focus eventually leads to oneness in the final limb, samadhi. Dharana, Dhyana, and Samadhi are collectively known as samyaya, a three-step process toward deepening your focus and finding harmony.

How to Practice Dhyana in Yoga

Dhyana is something you find on your own — but these tips could help you get lost in what you’re doing, find a singular focus, and slide into a flow state.

  1. Use a mantra, chant, or affirmation. 

    Let this serve as a point of focus in your mind.

  2. Choose a visual focal point.

    Whether it’s a knot on wooden furniture, a leaf on a houseplant, or your favorite crystal, maintaining concentration on one physical thing can help brush away everything else.

  3. Harness your passions.

    Is part of your practice already bringing you bliss? Focus your efforts on what enriches you.

  4. Follow your intuition and don’t force it.

    Thinking about how you’re not experiencing dhyana will pull you right out of it! Take it slow, let your expectations go, and keep practicing.


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Alo Movesdhyana, 8 limbs of yoga