25 Powerful Affirmations for Your Everyday Life

Koya webb meditating.

Words have immense power, and just as easily as they can bring us down, they can build us up. The same goes for the power of thought — in various medical studies, positive affirmations and self-talk have been shown to counter distraction, improve focus, and even enhance sports performance. 

“A lot of people think it’s about having the fittest body, but they forget that your mind is your biggest muscle,” says Koya Webb, a health and wellness coach and Alo Moves instructor. “Once you embody in your mind ‘I am powerful, I am playful, I am strong,’ you start to feel it in your body.” 

But what are affirmations, and how do affirmations work? Affirmations are short, simple phrases we repeat with the idea of challenging our negative internal dialogue and shaping it into something we can learn and grow from. They can be used for motivation, letting go of fear and resentment, practicing self-love, encouraging positivity in your life, and replacing harmful cognitive distortions.

Ready to start reaping the benefits? We’ve created a list of powerful affirmations to get you started.

Affirmations for Anxiety

1. Even when things feel heavy,  I will prioritize myself.

2. I make decisions for myself — my anxiety doesn’t. I am in control.

3. I’m worthy of good things.

4. My struggles are opportunities to learn and grow.

5. This will not break me.

Affirmations for Self-Love and Confidence

1. My previous mistakes do not own me. I am constantly evolving.

2. I believe in my skills and abilities.

3. I am committed to myself.

4. I see the good in myself and it radiates out of me.

5. I accept and love myself for who I am.

Affirmations for Change and Transition

1. I welcome change and embrace the unknown.

2. When I need peace, I will turn inward.

3. I adapt willingly and easily to change.

4. I will trust my intuition.

5. I control my reaction to change. The power lies within me.

Affirmations for Releasing Anger and Frustration

1. I will not let frustration get pent up inside of me. I will address things head-on.

2. I can release what I’m meant to let go of.

3. I am more than my thoughts and emotions.

4. What I can control is how I react and respond.

5. I will let go of past hurts and move forward with peace.

Affirmations for Inner Peace 

1. I forgive my past decisions.

2. I am willing to accept the lessons I’ve learned.

3. I release the past. 

4. Let my mind be a sanctuary from everything around me. 

5. All of my worries are melting away. The only thing that matters is the present moment.

Want to practice online with Koya Webb? Check out her yoga, fitness, and mindfulness classes and unlock our entire library with a free 14-day trial to Alo Moves.


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