Your March 2020 Yoga Horoscopes ✨

Starry night sky through a red canyon.

Feeling all out of sorts? Not to worry, friends — Mercury ends its retrograde this month, so we can all breathe a sigh of relief. Prepare to step into your most confident self as we usher in bold Aries season on March 20, the same day as the Spring Equinox. We could all use a bit of a fresh start! Check out your monthly wellness horoscope below, and tune in to our new horoscope playlists on Spotify!



Happy birthday, Pisces! Start polishing your metaphorical light bulb, because the creative ideas will be flowing this month. Though you spend much of your time dreaming about possibilities, the full moon in detail-oriented Virgo on March 9 will have you getting down to the nitty gritty and bringing these ideas to life. Practice these yoga, fitness, and meditation classes to clear out your headspace and get the creative juices flowing.

Check out the Pisces playlist on Spotify.



Say goodbye to the old you, Aries. Your season begins on March 20, the very same day as the Spring Equinox. This is a powerful time for rebirth and awakening, a time to shed all of your stale routines, old habits, and insecurities. Put all of your 2019 problems in a box to the left and own your strengths and skills moving forward. These yoga, fitness, and meditation classes will tap into your inner strength, confidence, and resilience.

Check out the Aries playlist on Spotify.



Last month saw you attending to your own needs, but March sees you paying it forward. As Saturn enters compassionate Aquarius on March 22, you’ll start feeling a stronger drive to lend a helping hand — in work and in life. Whether it’s a random act of kindness to a stranger or careful consideration of a partner or friend’s needs, take that leap to reach out to someone. It might be just what they need to turn their day around. Tap into your generosity with these yoga and meditation classes.

Check out the Taurus playlist on Spotify.



Expressive Gemini, with Mercury as your ruling planet, Mercury’s retrograde might have thrown you for a loop — but it’s time to make lemonade out of these glitchy, bizarre lemons. As a sociable communicator, you always seem to have a million different texts, threads, emails, and plans going on, but perhaps this retrograde is the signal you need to take pause and hit “Do Not Disturb.” Swap Facetime for actual face time and focus on real connection. These classes will help you unplug and tune in.

Check out the Gemini playlist on Spotify.



On March 4, communication planet Mercury moves backward into reserved Aquarius, giving us some much-needed mental clarity. It’s time to take the plunge, Cancer — no looking back, only looking forward. While it’s fun to fall into the nostalgia trap sometimes and get caught in the feels, remember that progress comes from moving forward. These yoga, fitness, and meditation classes will help you catch that forward momentum.

Check out the Cancer playlist on Spotify.



On March 9, the full moon in meticulous Virgo will elevate your intuition. These heightened instincts, combined with Virgo’s earthy energy, will help you come to a realization about something that’s been on your mind lately. Engage in activities that give you plenty of time to hash out your thoughts — maybe a walk in the park, journaling sesh, or warm bath — then harness this newfound clarity with these yoga and meditation classes.

Check out the Leo playlist on Spotify.



The full moon in your sign on March 9 will have you feeling on top of the world. There’s no room for second-guessing here — own your ideas, follow your gut, and go after what you want. This full moon is particularly powerful, so set aside time to write down your intentions (vision board, anyone?) and visualize yourself achieving these goals. Know that you have the strength and ability to keep pushing forward. These energizing classes will help keep you on track.

Check out the Virgo playlist on Spotify.

libra sign


Your ruling planet Venus enters slow-and-steady Taurus, helping to focus your wavering mind. Channel this grounded energy by enjoying your time at home and turning inward this month — taking time to feel gratitude for what you have in the present moment and the people in your life that support you. By focusing on gratitude, you’ll slowly start to feel your stress slip away. These grounding yoga and meditation classes will help you in your journey.

Check out the Libra playlist on Spotify.



Treat yourself, Scorpio. On March 5, abundant Venus enters lavish Taurus, making this an excellent time to cool your go-go-go mindset and sink into some luxurious habits. Draw a warm bath, cozy up in your favorite blanket, or cook your absolute favorite meal (or order in!). While last month saw you taking charge and stepping up to the plate, this month sees you stepping back to enjoy the fruits of your success. Indulge with these feel-good yoga and meditation classes.

Check out the Scorpio playlist on Spotify.



Once you’ve got your sights on a goal, you’re one to plow forward and drive it to the finish line. While it’s helpful in your work life, this month’s full moon in meticulous Virgo asks you to carefully consider each step as you progress in your projects (both at work and at home). If your stress levels are feeling more heightened than usual, consider this the signal you need to slow things down. Trust your support system — lean on them for advice, and try taking their help when they offer it. These yoga and meditation classes will help you pause to take a breath.

Check out the Sagittarius playlist on Spotify.



You know that seed of an idea that’s been lurking in the corner of your mind for a while? Now’s the perfect time to plant that seed and watch it grow. Communicator Mercury enters imaginative Pisces on March 16, encouraging you to speak your ideas into existence. As the constant professional, you’re usually inclined to think practically about these sorts of things. But give yourself space for creativity to blossom, following the fun, funky, and even weird tangents of your imagination. Who knows where it will lead? These classes will help boost your creativity.

Check out the Capricorn playlist on Spotify.



Easygoing Aquarius, don’t feel thrown off by any weird or anxious energy this month. The full moon in detail-oriented Virgo might be drawing out some extra anxiety, and combined with Mercury retrograde, it could feel like a whirlwind of emotions. Take some time to disconnect by heading out for a walk in nature, setting aside your phone for awhile, and spending face-to-face time with your friends and family. These yoga and meditation classes will help you truly unplug and unwind.

Check out the Aquarius playlist on Spotify.


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