Your February 2021 Wellness Horoscopes ✨

Starry night sky through a red canyon.

While January called upon many of us to push and challenge ourselves — whether that was with eating better, clearing out clutter, or following the Find What Moves You Challenge — Aquarius season in the first half of February invites us to take a step back to review our process and progress in new and innovative ways. You’ll be thankful you took that time to refine and analyze when the sun shifts on February 18 because you will have created a space to dive into dreamy Pisces season. Continue reading to see what the stars have in store for you this month and be sure to follow the class and Spotify playlists tailored to your sign.

Aquarius horoscope symbol


It’s time to celebrate, and the moon is throwing you a party with a New Moon in your sign on February 11. Aquarians are known for their ability to push away from what is expected and walk their own path. Carry that mindset with you throughout this month as you may encounter self-doubt when Saturn in your sign squares your planetary ruler Uranus on February 17. This month’s class playlist will help you think outside the box like the revolutionary you are.

Check out the Aquarius playlist on Spotify.

Pisces horoscope symbol


Just like last month, February’s list of key astrological dates promises to keep you on your toes all the way up to the beginning of your birthday season on February 18. In addition to celebrating your solar return, make a toast to Mercury going direct (so long retrograde!) on February 20. Get into your feels with this month’s Pisces playlist.

Check out the Pisces playlist on Spotify.

Aries horoscope symbol


You’ll be feeling January’s electrifying energy lingering as you move toward February’s noteworthy astrological events, particularly around the 17th when Saturn squares Uranus (for the first time in 21 years!). Make the most of that supercharged energy in early weeks with these active classes, because the upcoming Pisces season will shift your focus toward rest and relaxation.

Check out the Aries playlist on Spotify.

Taurus horoscope symbol


Strap in, Taurus! February has some big plans for you. First up, the New Moon on February 11 illuminates your personal passions. What tasks have you been avoiding that are preventing you from making your dreams a reality? Work on checking through your to-do list while it's fresh as Pisces season (starting February 18) and the Full Moon in Virgo (February 27) will be the prime time to disconnect and explore your inner sense of self.  This playlist will give you the productivity boost you need.

Check out the Taurus playlist on Spotify.

Gemini horoscope symbol


If your heart is still racing from all of January’s excitement, let the New Moon in fellow Air sign Aquarius on February 11 be a chance for you to stop and take a deep breath. This is a great time to start a gratitude journal. On February 20, you’ll be able to add Mercury going direct to the list of things you’re thankful for because this shift means clearer communications and more successful planning on your end. Invite the chill with this month's classes.

Check out the Gemini playlist on Spotify.

Cancer horoscope symbol


Cozy up because this month, you’ll be feeling all the feels...even more than you usually do. You’ve been working hard since the new year began, so view the New Moon on February 11 as your invitation to treat yourself with a warm bath, cozy time on the couch, or swimming in some nostalgia with old movies and music. This will recharge your battery for later in the month when the start of Pisces season and a Full Moon in Virgo leave you longing for quality time with the ones you love. Unwind with this month’s relaxing playlist.

Check out the Cancer playlist on Spotify.

Leo horoscope symbol


Say hello to L-O-V-E this month, Leo. The New Moon on February 11 and Valentine’s Day on February 14 has you feeling romantic. There’s no wrong way to express these feelings, whether that’s cooking a colorful, nutritious meal for your partner or focusing that love inward. The Sun (your ruling planet) moving into Pisces on February 18 will have you daydreaming. Perhaps now is the time to start that dream journal? This month's playlist will help rest well.

Check out the Leo playlist on Spotify.

Virgo horoscope symbol


You may feel like you're on uneven ground thanks to your ruling planet Mercury beginning its retrograde just before the start of the month. While you’re used to conquering every list or project in your way, it'd be best to embrace your flexibility and try to go with the flow. You’ll be glad you saved your energy come February 27 when the Full Moon rises in your sign for the first and only time this year. With the moonlight shining on you, close your eyes and speak abundance into your life.

Check out the Virgo playlist on Spotify.

Libra horoscope symbol


The start of a new month means another chance for you to create a life you love, Libra. The New Moon in Aquarius on February 11 and the Sun’s shift into dreamy Pisces on February 18 will give you the creative spark you may have dismissed in January. This month, dare yourself to try something new. Check out the Libra class playlist for inspiration.

Check out the Libra playlist on Spotify.

Scorpio horoscope symbol


You should be proud of yourself, Scorpio! You hit the ground running at the start of the new year. Now that February is here, turn your dial back and focus on self-care. Let out a deep exhale as the Sun moves into fellow water sign Pisces on February 18, leaving you feeling more at home and inspired than ever. Be sure to pay close attention to the messages you’re receiving around the Full Moon in Virgo on February 27. You may see visions of what’s ahead for you.

Check out the Scorpio playlist on Spotify. 

Sagittarius horoscope symbol


Last month you were called to focus on community, but this month? It’s all about focusing your energy inward. Find solitude in the dark night’s sky on the night of the New Moon in Aquarius on February 11. Where does your mind wander to in these times of solace? That dreamy energy will continue to build in the days leading up to the start of Pisces season on February 18. With Mercury’s retrograde coming to an end on February 20, your path ahead is clear. Dream on, dear Sag.

Check out the Sagittarius playlist on Spotify.

Capricorn horoscope symbol


Your birthday season may have come to an end, but don’t feel like you have to step out of the spotlight. This next year will include some major astrological events that you should attune yourself to — in particular, the three times Saturn (your planetary ruler) will square Uranus. The first time will be this month on February 11. Pay close attention to the themes you’re noticing on the 11th as they’re likely to reappear when these planets square one another again on June 14 and December 24. This month’s playlist will help you focus.

Check out the Capricorn playlist on Spotify.


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