Wellness Rituals for Scorpio Season

As the darker days start to become more noticeable, Scorpio Season arises. This time and this sign have a reputation for being a little wild and spooky, but please note that while Scorpio is intense, it’s not a chaotic or unpredictable sign. What Scorpio Season reveals is the stuff that clings to us, whether it’s relationships (good or bad), habits, or our shadow selves.

A lot of feelings can come up, but you can use this time to your advantage with some deep reflection. Scorpio Season is also concerned with death and rebirth, so along the way, consider what serves you and what doesn’t.

These ideas for Scorpio Season are here to help you do some serious unpacking while (hopefully) still having a good time.


Have a Cleansing Bath


Most baths are physically cleansing, but a bath for energetic cleansing is a great start for digging into the depths of Scorpio Season. You may already have a spiritual bathing practice that works for you, but if this is new to you, we have some suggestions.

Start with cleaning your bath and the surrounding area, then bring in any items that call to you, like candles, crystals, and music. Run a warm bath, adding a little salt (bath salt or any other salt) and herbs or essential oils. If you’re not sure what herbs to add, try lavender, chamomile, or peppermint, all purifying herbs that are also great for your skin.

Then soak. You can use this time to gather your thoughts, talk yourself through something, repeat a mantra or affirmations, or just breathe. If you don’t have a bathtub, you can shorten this ritual and adapt it to a shower by hanging herbs or making shower bombs. Alternatively, you can thoroughly clean a relaxing spot in your home, take a really good shower, and do the rest waterless.

Meditate on Self


We don’t often reveal our whole selves, even when we’re alone. Through meditation, we can unlock our innermost selves and learn more about what’s beneath the surface — then emerge with better understanding and acceptance.

These meditations by Alo Moves instructors can help you get started.


Being Human with Jackie Stewart

Jackie Stewart walking in the woods

Learn to be open and accepting to all parts of yourself rather than just the ones you appreciate the most.


Turn Your Attention Inward with Kirat Randhawa

Kirat Randhawa meditating with hands on heart

Bring awareness to your inner world to better understand your moment-to-moment experience.


“I Am” Mantra Meditation with Sah D’Simone

Sah D'Simone meditating with hands in prayer

Use the power of supportive words to redesign the architecture of your mind, let go of limiting beliefs about yourself, and take agency over your inner world.


Think of New Paths Forward

Journal and pen

Now that you’ve expanded your sense of self, take a fresh look at your future in the format that works best for you: vision boarding, journaling, listmaking, collage, speaking into a tape recorder, whatever.

Think about what you need to let go and what dreams are ready to be reborn. Are there larger goals hiding inside your short-term projects? Does your reality match your intentions? Is there anything that needs a fresh approach? What do you want to actually focus on?

Wrap Things Up


To bring new things to life, you have to put some stuff away. What do you have going on that’s almost done, but is missing a final stamp? A phone call you’re avoiding? Some final paperwork that needs to be done? Is something on the back burner that you know you’ll never actually finish, whether it’s a craft project or a work thing? Try to tie up all those loose ends so you can focus on what’s next. A to-do list might help, but might not capture everything, so stay flexible and open.

If you encounter something that you’re bummed to leave behind — like a knitting basket you haven’t touched in a couple of years — consider whether a fresh start would help, but don’t leave it in the same state of limbo that you left it in! If there’s no moving forward, you can acknowledge what you learned from it and say goodbye.

Schedule Some Serious Best Friend Bonding

Friends doing a cheers

Who are your most ride-or-die BFFs? Scorpio Season thrives on loyalty, and it’s a great time to deepen your relationships with trusted people who build you up (and vice-versa). Whether you’re taking a little road trip or increasing your Zoom happy hours, make sure you’re spending not just time with them, but quality time.


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