Wellness Rituals and Practices for Aquarius Season

Each January, airy fixed Aquarius pulls us directly out of earthy, cardinal Capricorn and invites us to look down on our lives from above. This season is about openness, intellect, and imagination. The rebellious water-bearer deliberately breaks apart the habitual and mundane with a questioning attitude and a curious mind.

Whether you’re an Aquarian or not, you can harness this detached, inquisitive vibe to re-examine your habits, explore the deep corners of your mind, and have fun outside your comfort zone. These rituals and practices are here for expansion, growth, and exploration.


Get outside your own box


It can be hard to break old habits — and that includes the ways we interact with ourselves. Throughout the season, take the opportunity to pause and approach even routine tasks with wisdom and intention! You may find some impulses and patterns you didn’t even realize were there.

These meditations on Alo Moves can help you along the way:

Pull yourself some tarot cards without using a guide


Some of you are already 100% on top of unassisted tarot readings — but if you’re not, pull a basic three-card spread and try to read them without looking stuff up. The images, colors, and figures are there for a reason, so try to let go and listen to what they’re telling you. A notebook might help keep your thoughts and feelings organized.


Make weird art without worrying about how it looks


Whether or not you normally make art, grab a pen and some paper (or magazines and glue, fabric and thread, ink and stamps, etc.) and start just getting weird. You can start by typing in “art prompts” on your preferred search engine, or just start creating and see where it takes you. Don’t worry about being “good” — it’s not even remotely the goal here! The vibe here is “what even IS ‘good,’ anyway?”

Practice Yoga Nidra


Journey within your own subconscious by taking a Yoga Nidra (aka Psychic Sleep) class. This form of meditation guides you into a state between waking and sleeping, then lets you explore, typically with some visualization.

Alo Moves has several Yoga Nidra classes, from gentle practices to mind-bending experiences. Try these ones on for size:

Visit places in your neighborhood that you’ve never been to

What’s hiding in plain sight in your own backyard? Aquarius Season invites us to expand our awareness — so deliberately journey into your blind spots. Is there a coffee shop you’ve just been walking right past? A mom-and-pop bodega you haven’t had a reason to visit? A new food truck? Now’s your time to break out of any ruts you’ve gotten yourself into.


Explore our entire library of mindfulness classes on Alo Moves, from meditations to sound baths to lectures on mindful living. Start your free 14-day trial today.