Wellness in the Workplace: Q&A with Shelley Zalis, CEO & Founder of The Female Quotient
How can companies better support women's wellness? And what's the reality behind "work-life balance?" We spoke with Shelley Zalis, CEO and founder of The Female Quotient, to answer these questions and more.
Why is it important to prioritize wellness in the workplace, particularly women’s wellness?
As women, we often put ourselves last, and it’s exhausting. This burnout is being felt at all levels, with twice as many women leaving the workforce as men. The time for a change is now, and the stakes have never been higher. We need to put our oxygen masks on first because if we don’t take care of ourselves, how can we expect to do anything else well?
How can companies better support women’s wellness in the workplace?
The answer is simple: make it part of the equation. There need to be more opportunities for women to care for themselves in the workplace. From scheduling walking meetings to booking a group yoga class or even encouraging employees to block off time on their calendars for things like picking up their kids from school — let’s normalize taking time out of our workdays to live our lives.
People often use the phrase “work-life balance,” but you’ve mentioned that it can’t always be 50/50. Can you explain your perspective on how you prioritize these different aspects of life?
We need to throw the word “balance” out of our vocabulary. There’s no such thing. That’s why I created the concept of “life stage accommodation.” We have one life and it consists of five different dimensions: our careers, our families, our communities, our friends, and ourselves. Depending on what stage of life we’re in, how we spend our energy changes based on our needs at that time. Take caregiving – it never really stops, but if you have a new baby, then you’re going to need to devote more time to your family. Everything in life is a choice. It’s all a give-and-take. The key is to not miss the moments that matter, and shift your focus onto creating a life that sets your soul on fire.
What are your strategies for avoiding burnout in your work life?
I have a no regret policy. I never look back, only forward. When I’m deciding whether or not I’m going to do something, I ask myself if it’s going to serve me in the future. And, if the answer is no, I don’t do it. I really try to just live in the moment and enjoy every minute of it. If I need time for me, I take it – with zero guilt. And, I think that it’s important for me to model this mindset for my team. Wellness is something that I practice as part of my daily routine to the point where my Alo sets have even become my uniform.
“How can companies better support women’s wellness in the workplace? The answer is simple: make it part of the equation.”
Wellness isn’t always a solitary pursuit. How does social connection factor into a healthier workplace? What are your favorite wellness rituals that restore your energy?
I think being together is so important. I’m not saying we need to be in an office five days a week, but Isolation is depressing. There is no replacement for water cooler moments and social interaction in the workplace. The warmth of a smile really has the power to change your whole day.
Some of my favorite wellness rituals include listening to good music while doing an interval run on the treadmill. But, I find crawling in bed with a coffee and a chocolate danish while mindlessly watching TV to be equally as satisfying – and equally as important. Time with my hubby, kids, and grandkids also always fills me up.
And, I’m very lucky to have founded a company with a purpose that I’m deeply passionate about. When purpose meets passion, you’re unstoppable. At The Female Quotient, we’ve made equality our business, bringing conscious leaders together to collaborate and call for change. There is something so utterly invigorating about celebrating and inspiring one another. This is exactly what we’re doing on this International Women’s Day, and we’re taking our mission one step further by partnering with Alo to make moves for equality. As I like to say, nothing makes me sweat more than inequality.
We hope you can join us: https://thefemalequotient.equalitylounge.com/internationalwomensdayprogram2023/alo