My Morning Routine: Mathew Forzaglia

Mathew Forzaglia’s 6 a.m. daily wakeup call goes to show that the early bird really does get the worm. From setting aside time for himself to reflect on his intentions for the day to taking time to build his personal brand, Mathew’s busy mornings keep him focused, productive, and ready to take on the rest of the day. Read on to learn how he gets all the energy for his power-packed training sessions.

6:00 a.m.
My alarm goes off every day. Some days I wake up before my alarm, but normally, I turn my alarm off and lay for another five to 10 minutes peacefully to set my intentions for the day before I allow myself to pick up my phone.

6:30 a.m.
Take a look at myself in the mirror, wash my face, and brush my teeth. Hot damn! ;) Then, I get dressed and sip coffee, preparing for my first client.

6:45 a.m.
Train my first client of the day.

7:45 a.m.
Get ready to teach and have a quick snack right before class.

8:00 a.m.
Teach a live 45-minute workout.

8:45 a.m.
Breakfast time — eggs, bacon, bagels! Also, I take this time to connect with my community through email, social media, and on the Alo Moves app. P.S. I LOVE your messages, so please keep them coming!

9:30 a.m.
Train my second client of the day.

10:30 a.m.
Take time to check in with myself. It is important to set some time aside daily where you focus on nothing but yourself, even if it is two minutes. Stay in tune with your mind and body. This varies anywhere from sitting outside relieving my mind to foam rolling and stretching or calling a family member to see how they are and disconnecting from work. 

10:50 a.m.
Have a snack! I always have to have snacks. I typically will eat a PB&J or an apple with peanut butter. Sometimes, hummus and everything bagel pretzels will be enough to hold me over. Snack options vary day to day!

11:00 a.m.
This is where I work on programming, growing my brand, networking, and all that fun business stuff! Can I get an assistant?!

12:00 p.m.
I do my own workout and then have lunch. After that, I prepare for the second half of my day filled with clients and live a life you’ll have to find about by following me @forzag. ;)

Want to get strong and fit with Mathew Forzaglia? Check out his Body Shred workouts on Alo Moves free with a 14-day free trial.