Long Weekend? Try These 10 Ideas for a Mindful Staycation


You don’t need to fly around the world to have a relaxing and mindful vacation — everything you need is right in your own backyard. Here’s how to make the most of your next long weekend.

  1. Free yourself from your phone.

    First things first: tell your loved ones you’ll be MIA for the weekend, then snooze those text notifications. If it’s truly important, they can call. You’ll be surprised at how much time you gain back when you stay off the internet and social media.

  2. Explore your city. 

    Be a tourist in your own town. Try a new restaurant, scope out free city events, and visit a new area. If you normally drive everywhere, take this opportunity to see the city in a different way by biking or walking.

  3. Create a spa sanctuary at home.

    Light a candle, turn on the tranquil tunes, and immerse yourself in your favorite self-care rituals. Give yourself the works — lemon water, nail care, hair and face mask, body scrub — because you deserve it.

  4. Sink into a sound bath. 

    This is the perfect post-spa experience. Find a comfortable place to relax, then fill your space with the rich, healing sounds of crystal singing bowls. Try this Chakra Sound Bath on Alo Moves to balance mind, body, and soul.

  5. Listen to international music.

    Can’t spring for an international flight? Bring the country to your space through their music. Whisk off to Italy, fly to France, or journey to Africa by tuning into their soundscape. (Bonus points for downloading a language-learning app, too!)

  6. Eat fresh food.

    Trade fast food for slow food and make a pact to only eat whole, unprocessed meals for the weekend. Savor every crunch of fresh lettuce, burst of juicy peach, and slice of seasoned fish. 

  7. Commune in nature. 

    Forest bathing, anyone? Whether it’s a day hike, walk by the water, or picnic in the park, spend some quality time under the sun with Mother Nature.

  8. Phone up a long-distance friend.

    It can be expensive to visit friends and family if they’re scattered around the globe. Take this time to set up a leisurely phone call with them, or break out the stationery and write a long-winded letter. They will appreciate it.

  9. Hole up at a local coffee shop. 

    Sure, you could make your coffee at home. But then you’d be missing out on that acoustic-productive-community energy found at your local coffee shop. Head to your local java joint with a book in tow and claim the nearest window seat for a laidback weekend activity.

  10. Shift your space.

    Remember how it felt to rearrange your bedroom as a kid? Real talk: it’s just as fun as an adult. Change up your space, clear out the clutter, and boom — new room, new you.