3 Journaling Exercises to Strengthen Your Intuition

Journal surrounded by flowers and a lit candle.

Intuition seems to be generally understood in very black and white terms — you either have it or you don’t. However, the truth is that we all have intuition, and while some people may be better tapped into theirs than others, it doesn’t mean you can’t strengthen it. After all, the mind is a muscle, and just as we exercise our bodies, we must exercise our minds too. 

So, how do you strengthen your intuition? The first step is recognizing that you have it and that it serves a purpose: to protect and guide you. According to the Harvard Business Review, in the Stone Age, those who relied more on their instincts survived: “Stone Age people, at the mercy of wild predators or impending natural disasters, came to trust their instincts above all else. That reliance on instinct undoubtedly saved human lives, allowing those who possessed keen instincts to reproduce. So for human beings, no less than for any other animal, emotions are the first screen to all information received.” In our modern world, intuition isn’t so much a matter of life or death, but it does help us bridge the gap between emotion and reason. 

Intuition also serves as a form of information processing that draws from our past experiences. An online article from The Conversation explains, “When you have a lot of experience in a certain area, the brain has more information to match the current experience against. This makes your intuitions more reliable. This means that, as with creativity, your intuition can actually improve with experience.” So as far as strengthening your intuition goes, practice makes perfect.


Use these journal prompts to tap into your intuition and practice strengthening your intuitive ability. These are especially helpful in situations where you could use a little more clarity and insight.

1. Reflect on a time when you listened to your intuition and you were right. What happened? How did you feel? What signals did you pay notice to?

2. Think of something that has been troubling you lately. What direction should you go in? What is within your control? What is not?

3. Have you ever had a foreshadowing dream or vision? What was it? If the dream or vision came true, does knowing that help you feel more connected to yourself and able to trust your gut?

Continue practicing to build a strong intuition with Phyllicia Bonanno’s Clear Intuition: Amethyst Meditation now on Alo Moves. Start your free 14-day trial today.


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