The Best Yoga Poses for Period Cramps and PMS

Naya in a wide-leg child's pose.

When you’re feeling bloated, uncomfortable, or in pain from your period, exercising requires more motivation than usual. However, it’s worth the effort to gently move your body, and yoga is great for naturally alleviating pain and boosting your mood. A review on studies published in the Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine found that “yoga was linked to reduced severity of symptoms and pain relief in women suffering from these conditions. Some also found reductions in bloating and breast tenderness, more regularity in women’s cycles, better moods, and more relaxation and concentration.”  But what’s the best yoga for period cramps? We’ve rounded up nine of the best gentle yoga poses for periods and PMS to add to your routine. We recommend having supportive props such as a cushion, pillow, or bolster to make it extra restful and relaxing.

Naya doing bound angle pose.

Bound Angle Pose 

Benefits: This hip-opening pose stimulates your abdominal region, soothes menstrual symptoms like cramping and lower back pain, and relieves fatigue. 

Begin in a seated position with your legs straight out in front of you (Staff Pose). Bend your knees and bring the soles of your feet together. Press your backside into the floor while elongating your spine. Release your knees toward your mat (being careful not to force them down) while you sit up, being conscious of bringing space to your chest and height to your crown. Gently fold forward over your legs, or onto a comfortable prop such as a pillow, bolster, or cushion. Stay in this pose for one to five minutes to feel the full effects.

Students doing wide-knee child's pose resting their chests on bolsters.

Wide-Knee Child's Pose

Benefits: This restorative pose relaxes any tension you may have in your hips, thighs, lower back, and ankles while calming your brain and relieving stress and anxiety. 

Place the bolster lengthwise on your mat and position your legs on the mat in Child’s pose behind it. Spread your knees slightly wider than your hips and lower your backside to your heels with your toes touching. Slowly fold forward, supporting your torso on the bolster and resting your arms out in front of you on the floor. Place your cheek on the bolster to rest and hold the pose for several minutes.

Caley doing a seated wide-angle forward fold without props.

Seated Wide-Angle Forward Fold 

Benefits: This seated pose deeply stretches your pelvis, spine, and legs while releasing tension in your hips, thighs, and lower back. 

Start in Staff Pose and open your legs out wide to about a 90-degree angle from your pelvis. Move your palms face-down in front of you and bend forward from the hips, placing your palms on the floor while bending your elbows down — this will cause your chest to come forward toward the floor. Slowly deepen your stretch by walking out your palms and reaching out through your heels, ensuring both your kneecaps and toes face the ceiling. Feel free to rest your chest on your supportive prop(s).

Naya doing cat-cow pose.

Cat-Cow Pose

Benefits: Cat-Cow gently massages your abdominal muscles while also stretching out your back. 

Begin on all fours on your mat. Align your wrists directly under your shoulders and your knees under your hips, keeping your knees and shins hip-width apart. While you inhale, drop your belly toward the mat, roll your shoulders back, and lift your chin and chest toward the sky for Cow Pose. As you exhale, move into Cat Pose by rounding your spine to the ceiling while carving your belly in toward your spine and looking in at your navel. Inhale and come back to Cow Pose, then exhale and return to Cat Pose. Repeat several times to help reduce aches and pains from your period.

Carling in a low lunge.

Low Lunge

Benefits: Low Lunge helps stretch out your back, thighs, and feet. 

Begin in Downward Dog, and as you exhale, step your right foot forward between your hands. Gently drop your left knee to the floor and slide it backward until you feel a stretch in your hip and thigh. As you inhale, sweep your arms up over your head until they are perpendicular to the floor while engaging your core. As your exhale, step back into Downward Dog and repeat on the other side.

Eleonora in pigeon pose.

Pigeon Pose

Benefits: Pigeon Pose is especially helpful for opening up your hips and stretching your thighs, groin, back, and piriformis — which can become too tight from sciatica or prolonged periods of sitting. 

To get into Pigeon Pose, start in Downward Dog and bring your right leg up toward the sky into Three-Legged Dog. Bend your right knee and bring it forward to the floor resting to the outside of your right hand. Release your left knee to the floor, laying your leg flat to the mat, toes pointed behind you or tucked under. Square your hips, then fold forward over your right leg. Take a few moments to feel the deep stretch here and breathe out any tightness. Return to Downward Dog, then repeat on the left side.

Naya in apanasana.


Benefits: This knees-to-chest pose is perfect for releasing tension and tightness in your lower back that commonly occurs during your cycle. 

Start by lying on your back with your legs straight out and your arms at your sides. Hug your knees to your chest while clasping your hands around them, just below your kneecaps. Lengthen your neck by slightly tucking in your chin while pressing both the back of your head and spine into the floor. Drop your shoulders away from your ears to release tension from building in this area. Gently rock back and forth to massage your back and spine and melt away tension. Release on an exhale, returning your legs to the mat in front of you and your arms to your sides.

Phyllicia in a reclining twist.

Reclining Twist 

Benefits: This heart-opening pose stretches your glutes, chest, and obliques while soothing your abdominal area. 

Lie on your back and stretch your arms out perpendicular to your body.  Bend your right knee and use your hand to guide it over to the left side of the mat, finding a gentle stack of the hips, right over left. Place your left hand on your bent right knee to gently deepen the twist. Keep your shoulders square and melting into the floor. Hold the twist for 30 seconds, then release and repeat on your left side.

Claudine leading a class into reclined bound angle pose.

Reclined Bound Angle Pose

Benefits: This calming, restorative pose relieves cramps, stretches your inner thighs and hips, and calms your nervous system. 

Take a bolster, pillow, or rolled-up blanket or towel and place it vertically on the mat.  Begin in Staff Pose with your legs extended in front of you, bumping your hips up to the edge of your prop. Bend your knees while drawing your heels in toward your body. Press the soles of your feet together and drop your knees out to each side. Slowly lower yourself down on your mat, resting on your elbows as needed until you can rest fully on your prop. Rest your arms by your sides with your palms facing up. Relax your body and focus on lengthening through your spine to your tailbone. Stay in this pose for up to 10 minutes as you decompress and clear your mind.


Looking for an online yoga class to help you beat period pain and PMS each month? Try out Naya Rappaport’s Yoga for Cramps class on Alo Moves to find relief for cramps, lower back pain, fatigue, and more. Get started on Alo Moves with a free 14-day trial.


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