10 Mindful Ways to Push Past Creative Blocks

Koya Webb seated on her mat with her eyes closed. Meditating in her class, Creative Spark, available on Alo Moves.

We’ve all been there. You’re sitting in front of your work — be it a blank page, canvas, sketchbook, or computer — and you’re stuck. Your coffee is flowing, but the ideas are not. How do you come up with creative, new ideas when your brainstorm is more like a weak drizzle, the pressure is heavy, and the deadline is looming?

The answer might lie on the mat...or at least next to it. Research has shown that a mindfulness practice can reduce cognitive rigidity, leading to more flexible and creative thinking. The next time you’re in need of a creative boost, try these 10 mindful ways to push past your creative blocks.

  1. Make space to meditate.

    Slow down the pace of your thoughts to create space for new ideas. Some quiet time alone might be just what you need. Here are a few of our favorite creativity-boosting meditations:

    Creative Spark

    Focus and Productivity

    Sound Bath: Sacral Chakra

  2. Walk away.

    Literally — just walk. Fresh air and time spent in nature can be the creativity-boosting elixir you need. Or, you can…

  3. ...Choose to stay.

    Instead of interrupting your train of thought, it might work better for you to keep chipping away at your idea. Grind it down until it’s taken apart and you’ve seen every angle. Work it into something different. Don’t be afraid to invest your time.

  4. Brainstorm with others.

    Whether it’s a coworker, friend, or someone in a completely different field, you might find value (and new ideas) in speaking to others outside of your project and scope of knowledge.

  5. Create an idea journal.

    Whenever something sparks your interest or sparks a new idea, record it. It doesn’t have to be traditional pen and paper. You can type it out in a Notes app on your phone, create a pinterest board, save Instagram posts, or use a freeform sketchbook. Return to your “journal” when you’re in need of some inspo.

  6. Dump out your thoughts.

    Step one, find a blank page. Step two, write everything that comes to mind. Don’t worry about organization. Spill every idea, key word, diagram, and doodle. Let every scribble lead to a new thought. Within this space, patterns might start to emerge. Perfection is an obstacle to productivity, so let this be imperfect, unstructured, and messy.

  7. Zen out with yoga nidra.

    Don’t want a nap to throw off your schedule? Try yoga nidra — or yogic sleep — to refresh your mind for creative thinking. This type of meditation brings you to a deep state of consciousness so you can “awaken” feeling relaxed, recharged, and ready to start with a clean slate.

  8. Find a change of scenery.

    Are you normally a night owl? Try rising early for a brainstorm at dawn, and vice versa. If you usually sit at a desk, try relocating somewhere different, such as a cafe, park, or communal space at work. This shift in space can also create a shift in ideas.

  9. Embrace the mundane.

    Have you ever been washing dishes when an idea suddenly struck you? Sometimes the best aha moments come when you’re deeply immersed in a mechanical or routine household task. Your next great idea might just come from your next vacuuming session.

  10. Look beyond your field.

    Explore other creative disciplines to help inspire new ideas. If you’re a painter, try finding the beauty in architecture. If you’re a writer, try reading about interior design. If you’re a graphic designer, check out your local art gallery. Beauty can be found everywhere, in every discipline. Explore it all.